front & back covers for Akousmatika photography by Jack Kloecker, design by Jacob Schnitzer

front & back covers for Akousmatika
photography by Jack Kloecker
design by Jacob Schnitzer

We used a special binaural microphone named “Michel” to record our album. It’s a special stereo microphone that contains two prosthetic, human-shaped ears with capsules inside each ear canal. They capture audio the same way your real [human] ears hear sounds, providing a more life-like listening experience in music! Many thanks goes to the Pittsburgh New Music Ensemble for letting us borrow her for our sessions and to KMFA for the recording studio space!

For the best audio experience with our video, headphones are highly recommended. We also have an interview with Zachary James Watkins, one of the composers we commissioned for this project HERE.

What is sound? And how do we experience it?

The first LP-length studio album by Density512, Akousmatika an immersive listening experience that blends music, storytelling, and surround-sound recording technology. Imagine a french horn swirling around your head... a whisper in your ear... a guitar that starts near you and moves far away... this is a 3D sonic adventure that connects you with the ancient mysteries of sound and wonder.

The album features Density512-commissioned works by Zachary James Watkins, Kevin Michael Kay, a collaboration with Chiyoko Slzavnics; revivals of experimental classics by influential voices from the 16th Century to today (Nicola Vicentino and Pauline Oliveros); along with ancient and modern texts by Iamblichus, Lao Tzu, and with interludes by Jacob Schnitzer.

Akousmatika was recorded in part with a live audience using a special microphone (shaped like a human head!) so that listeners with headphones will be able to hear the music in 360-degrees surround... much different than the standard stereo. Density512 hosts live Deep Listening sessions of Akousmatika at special places in space and time.

Wear headphones to experience 3D listening sensations. Akousmatika was recorded on a Neumann KU-100 microphone and mixed binaurally for 3D spatialization. Mixed on Grados.

Track Listing
1. Pythagorean Prelude (2021) text by Iamblichus, 4th Century, C.E., music by Jacob Schnitzer
2. Night Train (2021) Zachary James Watkins
2. Musica Prisca Caput “Archaic Head Music” (1555/2021) by Nicola Vicentino/Nicholas Perry Clark
3. Cosmic Interlude (2021) text and music by Jacob Schnitzer
4. worldlines (2020) by Kevin Michael Kay
5. Interlude #3 (2021) text and music by Jacob Schnitzer
6. Musica Prisca Caput “Archaic Head Music” (1555/2021)
7. Interlude on Sound and Space (2021) text by Jacob Schnitzer, music improvised by Matthew Lyons
8. For Eva Hesse (with flute, v. 2022) by Chiyoko Szlavnics, (feat. François Minaux)
9. excerpt from Tao Te Ching, 4th century, B.C.E. by Lao Tzu adapted by Jacob Schnitzer
10. Tuning Meditation (1971) by Pauline Oliveros, remixed by Jordan Walsh
bonus track: Akousmatika Deep Listening Session

Jacob Schnitzer, artistic director/conductor/voiceover
Charissa Whillock, voiceover
François Minaux, flute
David Blackwell, oboe
Ryan Stockhausen, clarinet
Brigit Fitzgerald, bassoon
Sarah Au, horn
Kenken Gorder, trumpet
Luke Berringer, trombone
Matthew Lyons, electric guitar
Sara Aldana, violin (concertmaster)
Alan Chen, violin
Anna Sorokina, viola
Jacob Barker, cello
Erika Perera, double bass
Alma Mele, double bass

Jordan Walsh, producer, mixing/mastering, recording engineer
Jacob Schnitzer, writer, editing/mixing
Ian Whillock, recording engineer
Nicholas Perry Clark, producer
Kevin Noe, binaural mixing advisor
Ciyadh Wells, Executive Director

Special thanks to the Pittsburgh New Music Ensemble for lending Michel, the
Neumann KU-100 microphone that made this binaural recording possible